Finvent Advisory Services

FAS helps clients drive digital and business transformation through the power of innovation quotient, technological knowhow and human capital.

  • Articulate business strategies: Design an aspirational and yet realistic strategy supported by a business case, related challenges/opportunities, and defined milestones and dependencies.
  • Identify Target Segments: Segment descriptors to transcend from the staid demographic variables to dynamic and progressive variables like banking relationships and behavior, social habits and patterns, spend and need assessments, geo-mapping etc.
  • Minimum Value Propositions (MVPs): Define specific and differentiated MVPs for the defined target segments with diligently outlined customer journeys. The MVPs will address all the associated risks and mitigants (credit, ops, tech, market, regulatory, compliance, reputational, competition etc). A successful MVP in the digital world goes hand-in-hand with technology; hence the need to identify tech gaps and access the right-fit solutions.
  • Build Human Capital Quotient: Driving change within the workforce through embedding a new culture of innovation, digital adaption and agility is key to the transformation success . The human capital is the first driver of change before an organization seeks to change customer perception, align with co-partners and compete with key market rivals.
  • A Well designed Marketing and Communication: Success of MVP depends mainly on marketing effectiveness both on the internal and external fronts. Internal communication is important to build consensus, drive change and maintain a sense of accountability to the evolving transformation. Any digital transformation should also include precise, dynamic and real-time communication tools such as new platforms (Social media, digital platforms/apps, digital partner platforms, digital market places, POS etc) and intelligent engagement tools (that dynamically address the when, what and how of a campaign, provide trigger based communication techniques and real time monitoring).
  • Redefine Distribution Model: Any transformation journey will be incomplete without revamping the last leg of customer journey that relies on the traditional distributional model. In the digital world, Its important to leverage on alternate modes to provide a seamless customer journey within the regulatory framework. It is feasible to put together a combination of various alternate channels of engagement such as digital identity and onboarding, Online/digital solicitation of leads, chatbots, wazzap banking, redefined digital branch/kiosks, agency banking, advanced ATM capabilities, Video conferencing/chats etc.
  • Revenue Realization: The end goal has to always be on bottom-line even if there is a conscious decision of a breakeven in a few years due to initial huge investments and staggered revenue gains over the years: the crux being tracking towards this end goal and any changes must be well understood, quantified and re-embedded to the revised business case.
  • FAS has the acumen and ability to work with clients to deliver the long-term strategy mapped in executable action plans and workable frame work.